It might be time for you to change the way you produce your content. In-house content is anything made by an internal team. It takes time and has some limitations regarding cost, authenticity, scalability, the potential of fatigue, and of course, the pandemic. People don’t like seeing the same thing repeatedly on social media or TV. They’re going to be engaged when they have something new and fresh to look at. In this episode, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of producing content in-house.
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It might be time for you to change the way you produce your content
In-house content is anything made by an internal team. It takes time and has some limitations regarding cost, authenticity, scalability, the potential of fatigue, and of course, the pandemic.
People don’t like seeing the same thing repeatedly on social media or TV. They’re going to be engaged when they have something new and fresh to look at.
In this episode, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of producing content in-house.
With in-house content, it’s hard to develop new settings and new people, while keeping your content relevant and authentic.
In addition to content fatigue, you could end up spending way more money on in-house content than if you just sourced your content from freelancers or independent contractors.
Outsourcing your content creation frees up time and energy you can spend on other tasks and projects
Here are some good strategies to overcome the challenges of in-house content creation:
To go even further, you can use your customers as content creators, (although it can be tedious and time consuming to scale).
With Trend, the turnaround time for content production is much shorter.
Stay tuned as we discuss the value of being able to speak to what you need from creators and how to control the creative process without having to be the full-time creative director.
We dive into what kind of people you need in your internal team, what the process look might like, and what the result looks like.
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