DTC POD: How The Best Brands Are Built

How Apple's iOS 14 update will affect your Facebook ads (Apple's AppTracking Transparency update)

Episode Summary

Users who update to iOS 14 will find it easier to opt-out of data collection. While that’s a win for users, it is going to make it a lot tougher for small businesses to optimize their ads. As a result, Facebook is making some changes to its ad platform to better reflect the changes. With this new update, Facebook ads managers will see changes to things like event tracking, measurement, and more. It will have a significant impact on how brands and agencies set goals and optimize for conversions. Stay tuned as we go through what these changes mean for your ads and how you can better prepare your ad account for these changes. We Speak About: [00:25] About Apple’s AppTracking Transparency (ATT) update and what it means [01:15] What ATT means for event management [02:20] Actions to take for ATT for Facebook event tracking [03:05] How ATT will affect dynamic ads [03:50] Actions to take for Facebook dynamic ads [04:40] What ATT means for measuring ads [05:30] How to prepare for Facebook ads measurement changes [08:20] Preparing for the changes outside of Facebook

Episode Notes

  1. “Apple’s new update on iOS 14 will make users opt-in for advertising data rather than opting out.” @jadesai94 #DTCPOD
  2. “With Apple’s change, if some adds to a cart and purchases, you will only see the purchase conversion if the purchase is prioritized.” @jadesai94 #DTCPOD
  3. “Make sure you're adding simple elements to your creative like price overlays, discount call outs, shipping call outs, product benefit call-outs.” @jadesai94 #DTCPOD
  4. “Make sure you have the Facebook Conversions API installed on your website.” @jadesai94 #DTCPOD
  5. “With these changes, tracking data on your end is going to be even more important. Consider using a CRM and use UTMs as well.” @jadesai94 #DTCPOD

We Speak About:

Apple is making it a lot easier for users to opt-out of data collection with the iOS 14 update, here’s what it means

Users who update to iOS 14 will find it easier to opt-out of data collection. While that’s a win for users, it is going to make it a lot tougher for small businesses to optimize their ads.

As a result, Facebook is making some changes to its ad platform to better reflect the changes.

With this new update, Facebook ads managers will see changes to things like event tracking, measurement, and more. It will have a significant impact on how brands and agencies set goals and optimize for conversions.

Stay tuned as we go through what these changes mean for your ads and how you can better prepare your ad account for these changes.

If you’d like to learn more about Trend and our influencer marketing platform for influencers and brands visit trend.io. You can also follow us for tips on growing your following and running successful campaigns on Instagram and LinkedIn.

Mentioned Links:

How iOS 14 may affect your ads (from Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/business/help/331612538028890?id=428636648170202

Facebook’s update for developers with iOS 14: https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2020/12/16/preparing-partners-ios-14-mobile-web-advertising

How to verify your domain with Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/business/help/245311299870862

Shopify’s Facebook app: https://apps.shopify.com/facebook