DTC POD: How The Best Brands Are Built

Building a more sustainable DTC brand by understanding linear commerce

Episode Summary

Linear commerce - it’s a term coined by Mizzen+Main founder Web Smith that identifies the different ways a DTC brand can launch. According to Smith, there are five different ways a direct-to-consumer brand can launch. On one side of the line, you have a brand that acquires most of its customers through paid efforts. On the other side, you have a media company that may eventually launch a product years later. Stay tuned as we discuss the five different versions of DTC launch strategies, what is the best strategy you can take for your brand, and some ideas to build your audience first. If you’d like to learn more about Trend and our influencer marketing platform for influencers and brands visit trend.io. You can also follow us for tips on growing your following and running successful campaigns on Instagram and LinkedIn. We Speak About: [00:45] What is linear commerce? [01:15] Different types of launches on the linear commerce line [03:35] How VC-backed eCommerce companies typically grow [03:50] Creating sustainable growth for eCommerce [04:20] Building your tribe [04:40] An example of using content to grow an audience [05:05] Benefits of building your audience first

Episode Notes

  1. “By blending the line between media and commerce, you can lower customer acquisition cost and increase lifetime value.” @jadesai94 #DTCPOD
  2. “There are five different way that you can use to launch your direct to consumer brand according to Web Smith’s concept of linear commerce.” @jadesai94 #DTCPOD
  3. “You should focus heavily on acquiring your audience.” @jadesai94 #DTCPOD
  4. “Launching with either a PR strategy or a go-to-market strategy with a well-received media push are usually the more predictable paths that are taken by venture back DTC brands.” @jadesai94 #DTCPOD
  5. “When you're creating content, you want to be providing value.” @jadesai94 #DTCPOD

We Speak About:

The line between media and commerce are blending, and it’s a big win for DTC brands that get it right

Linear commerce - it’s a term coined by Mizzen+Main founder Web Smith that identifies the different ways a DTC brand can launch.

According to Smith, there are five different ways a direct-to-consumer brand can launch. On one side of the line, you have a brand that acquires most of its customers through paid efforts. On the other side, you have a media company that may eventually launch a product years later.

As eCommerce and brand launches continue to evolve, the line between media and commerce is blending.

The brands that now launch with an established audience can acquire customers for less and have higher lifetime value.

By leaning into audience growth first, you can build a more sustainable business.

Stay tuned as we discuss the five different versions of DTC launch strategies, what is the best strategy you can take for your brand, and some ideas to build your audience first.

If you’d like to learn more about Trend and our influencer marketing platform for influencers and brands visit trend.io. You can also follow us for tips on growing your following and running successful campaigns on Instagram and LinkedIn.

Mentioned Links:

Web Smith’s 2PM: https://2pml.com/

More on linear commerce: https://2pml.com/2019/04/22/on-linear-commerce/